Originally Posted by Carpenter
I would say, "why are you asking, could it be that the Lord Jesus is dealing with your heart?"
I am sure they are joking, but that would not be a very good way to approach an intellectual doubter.
Case for Christ is an amazing book, as is
Case for a Creator (get the junior addition if you don't want to have your brain explode the first time you encounter Steven Hawkins theory of origin. Lol.) and you should buy them and familiarize yourself with them.
I would NOT use them as a means of convincing an agnostic though. A person who calls themselves agnostic seems like the right person to throw facts at, but in reality, they will likely resist it.
My approach would be, "I could tell you ________ and _______, but I am sure you have heard it all before. And despite such evidence as ________ and ______ I can understand how you could still be skeptical. For me, it all comes down to_____" and there you share your testimony. The of the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony is a powerful combination.
Someone that is agnostic is likely to be pretty educated, so know that going in and don't try and "win", or beat yourself up for not being able to convert them. It's a tough sell.