Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
5 catholic people repented in the Sunday service in our local church...
That is great! I find it soo amazing still how God still moves! I think it is incredible when any one comes to God.... There are some who have no religious back ground at all..and God is so faith ful to draw them. And yet I find it soo fascinating when you have catholic, who've been rooted and grounded in their faith~ when they see the truth. WOW! I was speaking to a couple of ladies , one brought up Lutherean, and the other catholic....They were so excited about the revelation of the oneness.... When my husband taught a couple of Sundays on the oneness, he asked how many were ex catholic...there were several and I noticed the ones who were brought up catholic and ever lutheran, they were sooo into the message. It is soo beautiful to see it when revelation comes over people! God is mighty, mighty, good!