Originally Posted by coadie
The devil needs people to peddle a counterfeit version of creation in our churches.
Your non Christian name calling and insults tell me you are the chosen one.
I am sure glad our pastors who also have much more education than you do don't go for the Darwinist claptrap either.
I am sure if they stumbled, they would go mentally nutso as did Darwin. Demon possesssed and couldn't leave his house.
You've taken to reading the Wikipedia article I gave you on Darwin's illness. That's good. However, you have predictably failed to actually read and understand the material. Darwin spent almost 5 years in the tropics. He usually slept out of doors without mosquito netting and right on the ground. He says that he had the time of his life.
When he returned to England he soon fell ill.
If Darwin had made this trip today and came home and fell ill, what is the first question any doctor would ask of him?
"Have you traveled in the tropics recently?"
You do understand the importance and the implications of that question, don't you? Only an angry kook would immediately jump up and shout, "demon possessed!" as you have done.