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01-29-2010, 10:38 AM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by rdp
There would be nothing to "explain away" [as you try to do w/ I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14, by the way], since she was not a NT preacher, or even an OT preacher, for that matter. But since you apparently believe that she was, you should have no problem providing us w/ an example of her delivering a Scriptural exposition to men:____________?
lol...I never said she was a new testament preacher...I aske you would you have followed her into battle?
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01-29-2010, 10:41 AM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Now many would argue that to “prophesy” is different than “preaching,” but in the Greek, the word “propheteuo” means “to proclaim God’s message,” “to preach,” and “to speak God’s message intelligibly” (as opposed to speaking in tongues).[1]
Read more at Suite101: Does the Bible Forbid Women to be Preachers?: How Scripture Portrays Women's Roles in the Church http://biblestudies.suite101.com/art...#ixzz0e1YxrKS6
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01-29-2010, 10:42 AM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
I am sticking with the word of God...lol...
If commentators had dealt with the Bible, on other subjects as they have dealt with it on this, taking isolated passages, separated from their explanatory connections, and insisting on a literal interpretation of the words of our version, what errors and contradictions would have been forced upon the acceptance of the Church, and what terrible results would have accrued to the world. On this principle the Universalist will have all men unconditionally saved, because the Bible says "Christ is the Saviour of all men," etc. The Antinomian, according to this rule of interpretation, has most unquestionable foundation for his dead faith and hollow profession, seeing that St. Paul declares over and over again that men are "saved by faith and not by works." The Unitarian, also, in support of that soul-withering doctrine, triumphantly refers to numerous passages which, taken alone, teach only the humanity of Jesus. In short, "there is no end to the errors in faith and practice which have resulted from taking isolated passages, wrested from their proper connections, or the light thrown upon them by other Scriptures, and applying them to sustain a favourite theory." Judging from the blessed results which have almost invariably followed the ministrations of women in the cause of Christ, we fear it will be found, in the great day of account, that a mistaken and unjustifiable application of the passage, "Let your women keep silence in the Churches," has resulted in more loss to the Church, evil to the world, and dishonour to God, than any of the errors we have already referred to. (CB)
and of course Judas went out and hanged himself....do thou likewise...
Hide the ropes...lol...
Scripture taken out of context is worse than no scripture at all...
Yes, I agree w/ the last statement, which is precisely what you've tried to do w/ Phoebe & Phillips's 4 daughters.
But, do tell, how can one take these words "out of context": "I do not allow...."????????????? What's vague about this? Nothing at all. So, Sis., you can deride me all day long ["LOL"], I feel sorry for those who tenaciously fight biblical commands such as I Tim. 2. Oh, by the way, Paul only states 2 or 3 times that we're saved by faith, & not works. Not sure where you pasted that from, but they need to do a little more homework.

01-29-2010, 10:43 AM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
lol...I never said she was a new testament preacher...I aske you would you have followed her into battle?
Then why even bring her up, since that's the very topic of this thread?
"LOL" indeed!

01-29-2010, 10:46 AM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Now many would argue that to “prophesy” is different than “preaching,” but in the Greek, the word “propheteuo” means “to proclaim God’s message,” “to preach,” and “to speak God’s message intelligibly” (as opposed to speaking in tongues).[1]
Read more at Suite101: Does the Bible Forbid Women to be Preachers?: How Scripture Portrays Women's Roles in the Church http://biblestudies.suite101.com/art...#ixzz0e1YxrKS6
Funny you refuse to believe the Greek in I Cor. 14:34! Thwe word for "speak" is translated as "preach" at least 6 times. Will you now be consistent & believe the Greek here also? I doubt it.
Besides, your "definition" above is not at all the major consensus of Lexicons, since I've repeatedly given you the defintion from Strong's, Vine's, Thayer, etc.
Gotta' go...check back later.

01-29-2010, 11:33 AM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I don't care if you do not believe in me...that is fine...but many great women have walked among us such as Sister Agnes Holmes, Siter Rita Dawson, sister Bobbie Wendell, Sister Nona Freeman...I think we should all use caution for it is serious to speak against God's chosen ones...These ladies and many more mean much to Pentecost and the latter meant much to Africa.
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01-29-2010, 11:36 AM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
One translation of Psalm 68:11, a prophetic song of victory, indicates that there will be a large "company" of women who will proclaim, or preach, God's word after he makes an announcement. We do know that women joined the male disciples in the upper room in the ten days between when Jesus ascended into Heaven and when the wind and the tongues of fire initiated the first street preaching in Jerusalem. We also know that women were among the people who were commanded by Jesus in Mark 16:15 to go into all the world and "preach the Gospel." (LB)
Acts 8 is still an example of men and women that went everywhere PREACHING the gospel.
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01-29-2010, 02:34 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
I don't care if you do not believe in me...that is fine...but many great women have walked among us such as Sister Agnes Holmes, Siter Rita Dawson, sister Bobbie Wendell, Sister Nona Freeman...I think we should all use caution for it is serious to speak against God's chosen ones...These ladies and many more mean much to Pentecost and the latter meant much to Africa.
In the 1st place, I've repeatedly said that I honor you for your sacrifices & I mean that. You & these other women that you mentioned have indeed won many souls for the cause of truth & I appreciate it.
But, when a woman gets up to take the authoritative Word of God & instruct/preach to saved men, she's in direct violation of I Tim. 2:11-15 & I Cor. 14:34. I've yet to see a valid argument that would eradicate the plainess of these commands to the church [ I Tim. 3:15].
Regarding your quotations from trinitarians, why don't you quote what they say about the trinity doctrine? Do you also believe them in that area? Why not? You'll find that it's the same reason that I reject their unbiblical "women preachers in the church" doctrine.

01-29-2010, 02:44 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
One translation of Psalm 68:11, a prophetic song of victory, indicates that there will be a large "company" of women who will proclaim, or preach, God's word after he makes an announcement. We do know that women joined the male disciples in the upper room in the ten days between when Jesus ascended into Heaven and when the wind and the tongues of fire initiated the first street preaching in Jerusalem. We also know that women were among the people who were commanded by Jesus in Mark 16:15 to go into all the world and "preach the Gospel." (LB)
Ps. 68:11 regards women making an announcement of victory after a battle, not a NT woman preacher in the church. I've pointed this out ad nauseum, & as usual, you just plod along saying the same ol' thing?????
Of course both men & women should be soul winners. How does this override I Tim. 2:11-15????
Acts 8 is still an example of men and women that went everywhere PREACHING the gospel.
Acts 8 is N-O-T an "example" of women preaching/teaching men in the church. The actual text itself explicitly says that the women were in prison! Sheesh, this is probably about the 10th time that I've pointed this out now.
Your mind is set, because it's what you W-A-N-T to believe, but the Bible itself will never support NT women preachers in the church. I do not want to be rude in any way to you Sis. Alvear, but I must stand up for truth.
On another note, what's the deal w/ Reckart? I've seen several places online where people deride him for his beliefs. I'm not terribly familiar w/ him, but I've seen him make some valid points regarding Oneness. What's all the hub-bub about? What does he believe that's so outlandish?

01-29-2010, 03:17 PM
Sister Alvear
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 27,040
Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by rdp
In the 1st place, I've repeatedly said that I honor you for your sacrifices & I mean that. You & these other women that you mentioned have indeed won many souls for the cause of truth & I appreciate it.
But, when a woman gets up to take the authoritative Word of God & instruct/preach to saved men, she's in direct violation of I Tim. 2:11-15 & I Cor. 14:34. I've yet to see a valid argument that would eradicate the plainess of these commands to the church [ I Tim. 3:15].
Regarding your quotations from trinitarians, why don't you quote what they say about the trinity doctrine? Do you also believe them in that area? Why not? You'll find that it's the same reason that I reject their unbiblical "women preachers in the church" doctrine.
friend, our Bibles were translated by trinitarians....
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