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Old 09-06-2007, 06:57 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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I remember T.W. Barnes preached a message and referred to an old buggy company that refused to accept that cars were the future....they kept making buggies and...well you can figure out the rest eh?
When I saw "T.W. Barnes" my minds eye saw "P.T. Barnum" and his well known quote "There is a sucker born every minute, and two to take him.". LOL

The truth of the need to think outside the box is evident and even acknowledged by nearly all, yet when it comes to DOING it, just about everyone (including yours truly -from time to time) go back to our old thought patterns.

Thinking on more cosmic scales, this reminds me of a show on the History channel called "The Universe". The other night they spoke of humanities history in understanding the cosmos and how it unfolded over the past few thousand years, mainly focusing on the last few hundred. Starting with Copernicus and his revelation that the Earth circles the Sun rather then vice versa, then moving to Galileo and his being put under house arrest by the church for PROVING the theory's brought about by Copernicus. The moving to the beginning of the 20th Century when most accepted that the Universe was big but thought it began and ended with OUR galaxy, that is until other galaxies were discovered and we realized it wasn't just big, but BIG.

Jesus is the perfect model of "open minded" and thinking outside the box, yet the "church" seems to be the polar opposite of that way of thinking, always resorting back to the way grandpa and great-grandpa did and thought of things.
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Old 09-06-2007, 06:58 PM
Nahum Nahum is offline
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Praxeas, I often remind myself that I am not what some have made me out to be. As I'm sure you know, even loved ones can place us in a box. I have family who truly believe I will always be "a home missionary." I love them, but I have moved on from that mindset, and do not see myself in that role ever again. I seriously doubt I will plant another church. God has moved me in a new direction, and I intend to follow him.

People become accustomed to viewing us in roles they are comfortable with. I have severed friendships because of this. Harsh I know, but I refuse to be defined by something I used to be.

The greatest biblical example of the way we place people in a box is the man that we call Legion. Did you know the bible never refers to him that way? In fact, the bible refers to him as "the man who was possessed."

The trouble is we define people by their situations, not their character. We define them by their successes instead of their personal growth. God wants us to "cast down imaginations" that exalt themselves above His will.

These imaginations include a false perception of ourselves and others around us.
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Old 09-06-2007, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
When I saw "T.W. Barnes" my minds eye saw "P.T. Barnum" and his well known quote "There is a sucker born every minute, and two to take him.". LOL

The truth of the need to think outside the box is evident and even acknowledged by nearly all, yet when it comes to DOING it, just about everyone (including yours truly -from time to time) go back to our old thought patterns.

Thinking on more cosmic scales, this reminds me of a show on the History channel called "The Universe". The other night they spoke of humanities history in understanding the cosmos and how it unfolded over the past few thousand years, mainly focusing on the last few hundred. Starting with Copernicus and his revelation that the Earth circles the Sun rather then vice versa, then moving to Galileo and his being put under house arrest by the church for PROVING the theory's brought about by Copernicus. The moving to the beginning of the 20th Century when most accepted that the Universe was big but thought it began and ended with OUR galaxy, that is until other galaxies were discovered and we realized it wasn't just big, but BIG.

Jesus is the perfect model of "open minded" and thinking outside the box, yet the "church" seems to be the polar opposite of that way of thinking, always resorting back to the way grandpa and great-grandpa did and thought of things.
An analogy just came to me. We often use this analogy for other reasons, but I was thinking of Peter leaving the boat (his own way of thinking) and for a moment walking on water like Jesus, only to be distracted by the storm...he allowed the storm to change his perception of God and himself. God did not change. He did not start sinking because God changed.
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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 09-06-2007, 07:13 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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That is a great example.
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Old 09-06-2007, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
An analogy just came to me. We often use this analogy for other reasons, but I was thinking of Peter leaving the boat (his own way of thinking) and for a moment walking on water like Jesus, only to be distracted by the storm...he allowed the storm to change his perception of God and himself. God did not change. He did not start sinking because God changed.
Thanks for the thoughts Prax. I think what you've described is of a timely concern. What I have noticed, is that when someone is able to "get out of the box," so to speak, their terminology changes as well. This produces confusion sometimes and mistrust.

Suddenly the guy who is "out of the box" is saying things like, "It's okay to trust the police... they just want to see the tag." Meanwhile our "passenger" may see our openess as threatening to their safety. They learned to be distrustful because of some bitter experience in the past. To get them to open up involves asking them to take some real risks.

It's scary outside the box. Like RW said, it's not just big... it's BIG!
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Old 09-06-2007, 08:47 PM
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Paridigm Shifts in Wrong Thinking/Attitude
It's great to be able to look at yourself objectively and understand that many times our mindsets, perceptions, understanding and thinking are incorrect and off base.

I've met many people though who can't do this. They don't seem able to look at themselves, at their hearts, at their own attitudes and "thinking" and understand that they just might be wrong.

I probably do this too much and sometimes to my own disadvantage, but it's the way I am. Can't help it I guess.

As far as thinking "out of the box" I have no problem with that. LOL.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 09-06-2007, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
It's great to be able to look at yourself objectively and understand that many times our mindsets, perceptions, understanding and thinking are incorrect and off base.

I've met many people though who can't do this. They don't seem able to look at themselves, at their hearts, at their own attitudes and "thinking" and understand that they just might be wrong.

I probably do this too much and sometimes to my own disadvantage, but it's the way I am. Can't help it I guess.

As far as thinking "out of the box" I have no problem with that. LOL.
Im wondering though if they really just can't do it....that could also imply, if taken further, someone can't be saved. For many being saved involves a paradigm shift and a different way of thinking...if only the Atheist could approach God from his heart and not just his learning educated part of his intellect
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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