Re: Donald Trump's New York Values
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Why don’t you post my comments after he had been elected and turned out to implement more conservative policies than I had anticipated.
Or are you just going to troll people? Pathetic.
I just was going through everything prior o Trump's presidency on this forum. Seeing how the two party system gets people locked in. How Kamala Harris can decapitate Joe Biden with "I was that little girl" to when questioned about it after she is selected as Creepy Uncle Joe's running mate. She then recanted by saying "come on it was a debate!" Don't you find the fickleness quite pathetic? It is confirmation biases, plain and simple. Why would anyone comment on all of the hip hip hooraying you did for the guy after the fact. You honestly only get two choices one Hillary Clinton, and Trump. This go around it was Kamala Harris and Trump. What I'm pointing out is you are a pretty politically active poster. I wasn't really commenting for you to have any parley with me over the before mentioned post. I was just reposting it for irony sake. How sad it is that you can point out all the garbage on why not to vote for a politician. But when your candidate does the deep 6, you are just left with...what's left. Cognitive dissonance then kicks in to justify your only choice, and it is solidified with your confirmation biases. I'm not your enemy, I wouldn't try to hurt you, or make you look bad. I'm just pointing out how the Republic has fallen. By fallen I mean the people just give up and take what they are given.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence