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Old 03-31-2020, 11:03 AM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
I'm OK with pastors being arrested for having large meetings during a pandemic. Charge them with a misdemeanor. Reckless endangerment comes to mind. So does willful neglect.
Originally Posted by n david View Post
People aren't being forced to attend. Just because a Pastor opens the doors for a service, doesn't mean that people will attend. People have a choice. If he's charged for opening the church doors, the people who attended should be charged for doing so as well.

Last edited by Tithesmeister; 03-31-2020 at 11:07 AM.
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Old 03-31-2020, 11:23 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Why isn’t RHB healing people of this virus?
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”
-Homer Simpson//
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Old 03-31-2020, 11:56 AM
coksiw coksiw is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by n david View Post
People aren't being forced to attend. Just because a Pastor opens the doors for a service, doesn't mean that people will attend. People have a choice. If he's charged for opening the church doors, the people who attended should be charged for doing so as well.
The problem is that assemblies thrive in unity. It is hard for a member to not assemble when they are having services. It is hard to see the split in your own assembly, between those that believe they need to assemble at the church building in large group as a demonstration of their faith, and obedience, and those that believe that they can still have church at homes in small groups and should join the community effort as an act of support and care.

So when the pastor says "you are not required to come but we are having service", he is splitting the assembly in two.

Last edited by coksiw; 03-31-2020 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 03-31-2020, 12:20 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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kudos to Tony Spell - prepare health sanitariums

And I have not yet read the thread, however I want to give kudos to Pastor Tony Spell (and RHB) for placing the Bible and the Constitution ahead of the current pharma-$$$-sham.

If you want to live in 6' Social Distancing Fear, that is your right.
However, it really has nothing to do with health.


TERRAIN not GERMS (viruses are a specialty theorized germ to fill in some gaps)


Some tips.

Get outside in the beautiful spring sun and fresh air.

Do NOT stay inside, if you care about your health.

Do your own research on "Virus Theory".

Set up you little sanitarium environment.
Try to have a good Naturopathic style contact.
Try to have a nice reserve of goodies - your remedy section.
Herbal compresses, Vitamin C, elderberry, collodial silver, juices and much more.

Eat and drink well, have lots of high-quality water (I use a syrup called Drink More Good.) Juices can assist.
e.g. The Japanese are doing well with their miso and seaweed.
Make sure your diet has no bats, rats, shellfish or pork.

Consider installing a sauna, steam baths can be helpful.
The prime minister of Belarus lauds the sauna and a few other items (including a shot of whiskey )

Learn from others.
Use your internet resources, some incredible folk on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to start.
(Even with the censorship.)


Do NOT get tested.
Do NOT take any vaccine. (If you took the flu vax, your health will be problematic for quite a while.)
Avoid ANY hospitalization for respiratory disease.

See if your historic Adventist friends have hands-on sanitarium background.


Understand that ALL of MSM is controlled by big-pharma including, almost all the time, Fox and OAN.

Be aware that we are close to (possibly permanent) martial law with the suspension of constitutional liberties, the debasement of the dollar is en route, and a coming depression is likely.

The COVID numbers are going up because there is much more sham testing.

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
I do believe there is a virus...
The whole theory of viruses being transmitted by contact, and causing disease, is not really possible, from my studies. There are lots of fancy pictures that are made-up like Photoshop. Various top scientists have pointed this out over the years, you can go back to the HIV controversies.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Nursing homes are horrendous threats to health to begin with, but that's another story.
And hospitals as well.

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Brother Spell ... I believe he held a service outside today.
Wonderful. More of those are needed. Hopefully parks and grass over parking lots.

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
A highly contagious disease.
Afaik, there is really no evidence of this. Again and again we hear of individuals whose families are untouched. Often the individuals have no disease at all, they just "tested positive" with the sham test.

Originally Posted by shag View Post
And they end up dying from the virus that they for 100% certain got it there....

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
what are you telling your community when you don't care enough about them to take the precautions medical experts and the government is asking you to do TEMPORARILY to suppress a deadly virus?
How do you know any of this martial law style action is temporary? Maybe it is just a drill, for the next one next year. Maybe it is meant to be permanent. Think Jade Helm, coming up to speed.

Originally Posted by hometown guy View Post
Tony Spell ... He is living what he believes. He told them the church is essential and when every store is closed down then he will close but as long as Walmart, target, planed parenthood ect are open then he will be open. Sounds fair to me. He is not making anyone come. It all their own choices. Thank God for men of God love tony spell that won’t bend to anyone but God.
Makes sense. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Although I do not like the "every store" exception clause!

Originally Posted by hometown guy View Post
Tony Spell ... He believes the virus is real.
Not likely. If you study carefully virus theory. There is a lot of danger of anyone being injected with poisons (e.g. flu vax) with pathogens/poisons.

Apparently the rate of SIDS is taking a big dip. That is because they are often the result of the 'Well-Baby' (vaccine) visits, and many of those have been suspended and put off.

Anyway, I repeat the support of Tony Spell.

Originally Posted by consapente89 View Post
No disrespect intended, but I don’t think I would post that kind of accusation based off of a hunch.
Thank you!

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Nico - I take it you do not know him. If you did, you would know that he is not worried about what people believe. He is concerned about souls and what God desires. Now, our church has gone to online, but I have no concerns about Bro. Spell's motives. Part of me wishes I had his faith and boldness, but God has not spoken to me that way!
Thank you!

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
Putting these guidelines in place for churches and large gatherings will no doubt be the next step of action once the bans for gatherings are lifted that we have now.
CDC-WHO 'guidelines' nicely enforced by a federalized National Guard, guns drawn.

Originally Posted by hometown guy View Post
They had 10 get the Holy Ghost and 7 baptized In the name of Jesus this past Sunday morning so I think it’s going pretty good for him.
One of the differences between Holy Spirit assembly and internet poo-bah .

Last edited by Steven Avery; 03-31-2020 at 01:49 PM.
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Old 03-31-2020, 01:11 PM
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Re: kudos to Tony Spell - prepare health sanitariu

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
And I have not yet read the thread, however I want to give kudos to Pastor Tony Spell (and RHB) for placing the Bible and the Constitution ahead of the current pharma-$$$-sham.

If you want to live in 6' Social Distancing Fear, that is your right.
However, it really has nothing to do with health.

TERRAIN not GERMS (viruses are a specialty theorized germ to fill in some gaps)


Some tips.

Get outside in the beautiful spring sun and fresh air.

Do NOT stay inside, if you care about your health.

Do your own research on "Virus Theory".

Set up you little sanitarium environment.
Try to have a good Naturopathic style contact.
Try to have a nice reserve of goodies - your remedy section.
Herbal compresses, Vitamin C, elderberry, collodial silver, juices and much more.

Eat and drink well, have lots of high-quality water (I use a syrup called Drink More Good.) Juices can assist.
e.g. The Japanese are doing well with their miso and seaweed.
Make sure your diet has no bats, rats, shellfish or pork.

Consider installing a sauna, steam baths can be helpful.
The prime minister of Belarus lauds the sauna and a few other items (including a shot of whiskey )

Learn from others.
Use your internet resources, some incredible folk on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to start.
(Even with the censorship.)


Do NOT get tested.
Do NOT take any vaccine. (If you took the flu vax, your health will be problematic for quite a while.)
Avoid ANY hospitalization for respiratory disease.

See if your historic Adventist friends have hands-on sanitarium background.


Understand that ALL of MSM is controlled by big-pharma including, almost all the time, Fox and OAN.

Be aware that we are close to (possibly permanent) martial law with the suspension of constitutional liberties, the debasement of the dollar is en route, and a coming depression is likely.

The COVID numbers are going up because there is much more sham testing.

The whole theory of viruses being transmitted by contact, and causing disease, is not really possible, from my studies. There are lots of fancy pictures that are made-up like Photoshop. Various top scientists have pointed this out over the years, you can go back to the HIV controversies.

And hospitals as well.

Wonderful. More of those are needed. Hopefully parks and grass over parking lots.

Afaik, there is really no evidence of this. Again and again we here of individuals whose families are untouched. Often the individuals have no disease at all, they just "tested positive" with the sham test.
Thanks for sharing this post.
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Old 03-31-2020, 01:38 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Looks like he is facing charges.

Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
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Old 03-31-2020, 01:52 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: kudos to Tony Spell - prepare health sanitariu

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
And I have not yet read the thread, however I want to give kudos to Pastor Tony Spell (and RHB) for placing the Bible and the Constitution ahead of the current pharma-$$$-sham.

If you want to live in 6' Social Distancing Fear, that is your right.
However, it really has nothing to do with health.

TERRAIN not GERMS (viruses are a specialty theorized germ to fill in some gaps)


Some tips.

Get outside in the beautiful spring sun and fresh air.

Do NOT stay inside, if you care about your health.

Do your own research on "Virus Theory".

Set up you little sanitarium environment.
Try to have a good Naturopathic style contact.
Try to have a nice reserve of goodies - your remedy section.
Herbal compresses, Vitamin C, elderberry, collodial silver, juices and much more.

Eat and drink well, have lots of high-quality water (I use a syrup called Drink More Good.) Juices can assist.
e.g. The Japanese are doing well with their miso and seaweed.
Make sure your diet has no bats, rats, shellfish or pork.

Consider installing a sauna, steam baths can be helpful.
The prime minister of Belarus lauds the sauna and a few other items (including a shot of whiskey )

Learn from others.
Use your internet resources, some incredible folk on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter to start.
(Even with the censorship.)


Do NOT get tested.
Do NOT take any vaccine. (If you took the flu vax, your health will be problematic for quite a while.)
Avoid ANY hospitalization for respiratory disease.

See if your historic Adventist friends have hands-on sanitarium background.


Understand that ALL of MSM is controlled by big-pharma including, almost all the time, Fox and OAN.

Be aware that we are close to (possibly permanent) martial law with the suspension of constitutional liberties, the debasement of the dollar is en route, and a coming depression is likely.

The COVID numbers are going up because there is much more sham testing.

The whole theory of viruses being transmitted by contact, and causing disease, is not really possible, from my studies. There are lots of fancy pictures that are made-up like Photoshop. Various top scientists have pointed this out over the years, you can go back to the HIV controversies.

And hospitals as well.

Wonderful. More of those are needed. Hopefully parks and grass over parking lots.

Afaik, there is really no evidence of this. Again and again we here of individuals whose families are untouched. Often the individuals have no disease at all, they just "tested positive" with the sham test.


How do you know any of this martial law style action is temporary? Maybe it is just a drill, for the next one next year. Maybe it is meant to be permanent.

Makes sense. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Although I do not like "every store" exception clause!

Not likely. If you study carefully virus theory. There is a lot of danger of anyone being injected with poisons (e.g. flu vax) with pathogens/poisons.

Apparently the rate of SIDS is taking a big dip. That is because they are often the result of the 'Well-Baby' (vaccine) visits, and many of those have been suspended and put off.

Anyway, I repeat the support of Tony Spell.

Thank you!

Thank you!

CDC-WHO 'guidelines' nicely enforced by a federalized National Guard, guns drawn.
Are you a Dr? If not, what research and education have you done which you claim proves viruses aren't transmittable or that people won't get infected from the virus?

If you're sure of your claim, go around touching as many door handles, grocery carts and handrails as you can. Then touch your face and lick your fingers. You should be totally fine. I'd also suggest visiting the ER or getting near someone who is sick, drink out of their cups, use their utensils, etc. Again, you should be fine since viruses can't be transmitted.

There are people I know personally, and others who are related to friends who have either gotten the virus themselves or have been in a church in which the virus infected many people. How is this possible if viruses can't be transmitted?

I agree with some of your post, most of it is fake news, IMO. And dangerous.
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Old 03-31-2020, 01:54 PM
Steven Avery Steven Avery is offline
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resources - remedy section! - virus theory

Originally Posted by Freeindeed View Post
Thanks for sharing this post.
Your most welcome.

With the CorVir obsession, twenty-four pages before we have a post talking about staying healthy! hmmm...

Two very rudimentary pages I put up, hopefully I can improve them by the grace of the Lord Jesus

Remedy Section!

Virus Theory Research Center
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Old 03-31-2020, 02:53 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
Do NOT get tested.
Avoid ANY hospitalization for respiratory disease.
These are incredibly BAD and dangerous suggestions. Eli Hernandez is on a ventilator in a medically induced coma because his lungs weren't functioning. Had he followed your suggestions, he would be DEAD!

Originally Posted by Steven Avery View Post
CDC-WHO 'guidelines' nicely enforced by a federalized National Guard, guns drawn.
This is absolutely false.
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Old 03-31-2020, 02:53 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Just wait until there are deaths because of someone in the congregation contracting the virus.... praying for the situation. I see both sides of the issue and feel there is validity for both. A very difficult situation.
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