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Old 07-19-2013, 08:06 AM
n david n david is offline
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Real Victims You'll Never Hear Mentioned

If Obama had a son, would he be Jaden Donald? What about Joseph Brewer Jr? Ed Cooper? Damani Henard? What if he had another girl, would she be like Ashley Hardmon?

So far in July alone the names mentioned are victims of shootings in Chicago. Black on black murders which haven't gone past the local news.

Jaden Donald, 5
Damani Henard, 14
Ed Cooper, 15
Joseph Brewer, Jr., 16
Ashley Hardmon, 19

What about justice for these victims? Where is Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Holder and others? Why haven't there been marches on the streets of Chicago demanding the CPD and DOJ bring justice for these victims.

The Chicago Tribune has a special section of their online paper which has every name of every victim of a homicide, along with the story. It's separated by month. Thus far, there have been 224 homicides in Chicago this year. Astonishingly, it's "11.5% lower than the 10-year average of 253" homicides by this time in the year.


The hypocrisy is astounding, but not surprising. Black on black crime isn't as news-worthy as mix-raced crime. Not even when the victim is only 5 years old.

I'm sick of hearing the whining about the Zimmerman trial and how TM was denied justice. I'm sick of hearing the FUBU AG Eric Holder talk about investigating Zimmerman more to see if he committed any civil rights violations.

Obama. Holder. Sharpton. Jackson. They're all race hustlers. They don't care about black folk any more than the 1950s KKK. They live for racial violence and blood money. They claim to want Justice, but only serve to line their own pockets.

They should be run out of office; never allowed to step foot in front of a camera, organize a march or give a speech. They're frauds. Fakes. Cowards.
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Old 07-19-2013, 08:24 AM
odooley6985 odooley6985 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 540
Re: Real Victims You'll Never Hear Mentioned

Well black people kill black people cause of us white people dont you know. White man brought them here. White man oppressed them. White man brought crack to the ghetto.
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