Originally Posted by sandie
As far as I can see, you've got it completly backwards.Christians aren't trying to force anything, it's the activist homosexual agenda that has brought this all on.
This is America, and we are real Americans and in America there are issues that appear on the ballot, put there by real Americans.
We vote, one side wins, one side looses. As far as Codie, if you want to engage him on his behavior, please do so, but I see no advantage in using him as a pawn to make your point in discussing this issue with me.
Aquila is dishonest
! Claims we are using force. It is a false claim
We are seeing folks vote.
Voting is an actual act of people exercising liberty.
2 He makes insults and false claims of paranoia. It doesn't work with me. I am the psychologist for real and and he doesn't even know what classic paranoia is.
3 The lies of the gays. Every day they manipulate and try to force their agenda by making straight people prove they are homophobic or seeking power.
a..Gay agenda wants civil unions
b Gay agenda wants to legalize gay marriage
c Gay agenda wants to over turn state DOMA constitutional amendments
d Gay agenda is to lower age of consent
e Gay agenda is to educate children and recruit kids
f Gays want to silence and pusnish pastors that call it sin.
g The Gay agenda wants advocates inside our churches.
You are correct. Twisting it completely backwards and making false accusations of force tells us he doesn't have truth on his side.