Originally Posted by HaShaliach
A question:
All of the above reflects the events prior to Calvary, and only to the Jews. Therefore, how is that the seventy already had their names recorded in heaven even prior to the giving of the Holy Ghost? Luke 10:18-24.
As disciple of the Rabbi Jesus, I can say with certainty that they were all baptized in the name of Yeshua Natzeret (Jesus of Nazareth) prior to going out on their mission, as that baptism tradition (ritual) was already a common Hebraic custom between a Master and his Student.
Is there a "formula" for mikveh? I was married into a Jewish family. I remember a prayer, but not a formula.
If a person is emmersed in water while calling on Jesus for salvation, that is biblical. The notion of a preacher saying a "formula" over the convert is a later adaptation. Biblically speaking, there isn't a "formula" for water baptism. Paul was told to call on the name of the Lord while being baptized... Ananias didn't admonish Paul to allow him to speak words over him. Point being... a thousand "preachers" could be screaming "In the name of Larry, Moe, and Curly!...", but if the believer is calling out to Jesus... it's effectual.