I've been reading past posts on the Yadons. I forget the lettering, PCJ or something like that...I had NO idea the Yadons were/are "one steppers", if that's a correct saying to describe not needing obedience to
Acts 2:38. I'm stunned. I sat under Bud Yadon and Loren Yadon for the better part of the '90s and never, ever knew.
So, suffice it to say they do not teach on this...at least not that I ever heard.
Scratch that last part...they do not preach/teach this, I would have heard it. I'm not doubting they don't believe
Acts 2:38 as a necessity, I'm just reeling at learning this.
I also knew Hack Yadon and other Yadons and it just never ever came up! Hack Yadon attended the same church I did and dedicated my granddaughter to the Lord. He has since passed on.
How can one sit with, know, fellowship wiht, be taught by and not know how they believe???
Was it me? Was I never listening? I have to mull this over and pray, it really has shook me up to believe one thing and learn another. I love the Yadon's to pieces, and always will, no matter what!
Those Wed. night bible studies with Loren Yadon were priceless, I always felt we were getting a college education for free! I still have every bit of notes I took and all the hand outs he gave us, I miss those studies.
Well, guess I'm rambling again. Thanks to everyone for their input.
God bless.