Originally Posted by Maximilian
Biggest fan?
I usually want to be part of things I am a fan of... guess that's just me.
If you left the UPC because you believed their teaching was wrong, the grid of understanding salvation is upside down, I'm not sure how you root that on as their #1 fan still. In fact, if God has shown you otherwise, you should be rooting them to straighten up. Guess I don't get it.
Sounds like he has many relationships with folks still and is trying to keep peace, which I can respect. But that's for the sake of the people, not the teaching and corporate culture of the UPCI.
Possibly. I think that the UPC is the best (by virtue of being the biggest) Org that is most similar to my view of God, salvation, etc. We are not eye to eye on everything or even most things, but it is probably the best "penetcostal" org going. I see and feel things changing and I think that the UPC will possibly be a better org in 5 years than it is now, if it makes it at all. Just a thought.