Re: Greatest Trial You have Endured!
Some times I sing this song as an affirmation of faith and as a prayer:
Job’s God is True
Verse One:
............I can feel.....the hand of Satan.......
............As the temper....tries me sore.....
............He has been before the Father.......
............Asking tempt me more....
The Chorus:
............Though God slay me....yet I'll trust Him....
............I shall then.....come forth as gold.....
............And I know...that He still liveth.....
............For I feel....Him in my soul.......
Verse Two:
............I can hear the Father grant it........
............Saying do not touch his life.....
............Though you crush him He'll not falter....
............He will rise....above the strife....
Verse Three:
............Though I struggle....some times stagger....
............By His grace....I'll make it through....
............For His all sufficient....
............And I know....His Word is true....
Verse Four:
............When I have looked....all around me......
............And His face....I cannot see....
............Then I know that through the lattice........
............He beholdeth even me......
The Chorus:
............Though God slay me....yet I'll trust Him....
............I shall then.....come forth as gold.....
............And I know...that He still liveth.....
............For I feel....Him in my soul.......
I used to hear this on the radio back in the nineteen fifties.
It was sung by Jack Coe and used as a theme song.