Prayer request for premature baby.
On June 14th, 2010 @ 12:50am Miss Madilynn Rose Haefs made her debute completely unexpected. Everything happened so fast! Ashlee started having some slight pain at about 7:00pm Sunday evening and about 8:00pm started light bleeding so we rushed to the ER. By the time we made it to St. Elizabeth in Beaumont they brought her straight to the Maternity level and started checking her and running test. She was already completely dilated by that point. The only thing holding Madilynn in was her bag of water. Her contractions then became closer together and stronger and nothing could be done to stop by this point. Everthing happened so quickly and the room had so many doctors so they could do everything they could for Madilynn. When Madilynn arrived she did take a few breaths on her own and tried to cry but they quickly put her on a vent because she was so tiny and week! Weighing only 1lb 5oz and 11 in long. Once St. Elizabeth got her stable Texas Childrens transported her by plane to the Neonatal ICU in Houston. James was able to travel and stay with her the entire time and she did well on the flight. Ashlee was released from the hospital only 12 hours after delivery so she could be with Madilynn and James in Houston. Madilynn has a long road ahead of her but she is a fighter! We have faith and are trusting in God for a full recovery and without complications, we are believing that God is answers our prayers for Madilynn and the doctors are going to be baffled in amazement!!! She is a tiny person but a truely a HUGE miracle and James and Ashlee can't wait to tell her testimony and the amazing things God has done and will continue to do in her little body. Just keep the prayers going up for Madilynn, James and Ashlee.
Please keep this precious child of God in your prayers !