Originally Posted by edjen01
fair enough. and even while i may agree with his point...no man should EVER joke/kid/TIC/or whatever about raping someone. It's simply not acceptable no matter where you're from!! And someone who is in higher education should understand this.
I have e-mailed him about some of that, but he just laughs. Anyway, yes, I do agree with you. If he is professing to be a Christian, he should be careful how he pushes his wording, but I'm sure he won't.
He has been very extensively involved in political wrangling and the left asking for his head, so I think that may be part of why he is a little caustic. Not an excuse, but I know when you immerse yourself in that environment, to any lengthy extent, it's going to affect you. You can become just as viral, if you are not careful.
I think that Ann Coulter makes very good points and is not afraid to push buttons, but she can also go over the top with it too.