A Testimony
My Grandmother is 86 years of age she has lived a faithful life for God. You see even though I'm a young man my earliest memories are playing upstairs with my cousins , the family would be visiting and all at once the Spirit of God would fall. We would go down to see our family weeping and praying someone through to the Holy Ghost experience or someone being anointed that was sick.I along with my sister received the Holy Ghost in her home. I'm the seventh grand son so she already had some "preacher boys" as she would affectionately refer to her grand sons called in the Ministry of the Gospel.When I received my call into the Ministry she told me something that I have endeavored to live daily it was simple yet so profound she said " SON GOD HAS TO HAVE A MAN THAT HE CAN TRUST." My Grandparents were Baptist until 1949 when they They experienced the Apostolic experience . And Yes it was in a Holiness REAL Apostolic Church that held a REAL Holiness Dress Code and that included long sleeves and no pagan holidays. ( Praise GOD)I had to shed a tears today as her and I spoke today ,you see most of her preacher boys have sold out to the Worldliness and modernism in the OP movement . She Reminded me " SON GOD HAS TO HAVE A MAN HE CAN TRUST, Light shows and spiked hair have no place among Holiness people."
As we are preparing for her departure from this stage of action at any time to a await the resurrection, a place of rest for her labors. I can rejoice through the tears assured that the Lord God still desires a clean , separated, Holiness Bride.