Originally Posted by Thad
i understand i really do. i honor and admire the work ethic of the hispanic community and their family values. I am one that has no problem with it CP. as i asked though, what do we do when our basic systems become depleted? raise our taxes? they are already off the charts here.
my grandparents imigrated and settled in chicago but they didnt have welfare and medicare etc then. you just had to do it on your own.
Thad, I know the world is a lot bigger than just who I deal with...but honestly I deal with VERY FEW immigrants who are on welfare...
In fact, let me tell you this.
I pastor a Spanish Church. In my years as Pastor, I have yet to have one black or spanish homeless person come to ask me for money.
The ONLY people that ever come asking for money or assistance are white people specificly white males
I do understand your concern and it is something that has be dealt with.