I finally got to visit a church I'd attended several months ago, only doing so because GA and her husband now pastor there. I took my boyfriend and his two children also. He doesn't care much for Apostolic people because his ex-wife, who is quite vindictive and a liar, attends a UPC church in his town.
Yesterday, as I was telling him about my plans, he said he'd go, but he wasn't going to like it. He promised me he'd go once, and that was it, but he didn't care for Apostolics, and he wasn't joining their church.
I told him not to worry, I didn't care if he attended or not. He's a big boy, and I'm not forcing him to do anything. See, he can't attend his former church anymore (he feels) because his ex has been there visiting lately, trying to garner sympathy in every avenue she possibly can (they are currently in a custody battle that will be over with in two weeks), and he feels that he can no longer attend the church he's attended for 15+ years.
So anyway, we go to church this morning, and since his church runs 45 minutes ("anything more than that and I can't stand it anymore!" Big Baby!), I promised that we'd just stay for the first hour, which is the Sunday School service. GA met me at one of the doors and showed us where the kids went to SS. She then invited us to sit near her, and we did.
Her husband did a great job of teaching about Jonah, and the points he made were things I'd never heard before, like Jonah needing to learn a lesson just like Ninevah did, and other great stuff. In fact, Mike was very impressed. He whispered to me 'this guy tells it like it is!'
After SS was over, we got the children and I spoke to GA for a little bit, in addition to seeing other people I knew from there. When we got in the car to go home, he told me he liked that church and wanted to attend the 1030 service next week.
After we got home, he said again that he liked the church, but added that he would like to go there all the time!! Praise the Lord! He even said that he would stay for both services sometimes! The kids liked it too, so I'm very happy that it turned out so well.
I was going to take a pic of her husband teaching, but don't know how to turn off the flash on my camera. LOL!
Anyway, I take this as an answer to a prayer I hadn't yet prayed, and I'm looking forward to attending church once again. It's been a very long time.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Last edited by HeavenlyOne; 10-18-2009 at 11:57 AM.