Originally Posted by Coonskinner
So, desiring to be a good father, I sat down with my boys and had a serious conversation with them.
I asked them if they were fully aware of the fact that they were going to be in trouble with their teachers if they got caught shooting paper hornets...they affirmed that they were indeed aware.
I then asked them, in all honesty, if they planned to go ahead shooting them and take their chances...again, an affirmative answer.
My next question was, "Are you prepared to accept the consequences like men and not whine if you get nailed?"
They assured me that they were.
You cannot tell me that this was wrong! He knew they were going to do it anyway (they told them they were), so having this serious conversation with them was teaching them to be responsible for their actions!
I'm sure if they were caught and they got in trouble that CS would be the first to say, I told you so.