Re: Government Health Care
There are several different models of national health care. The like we see in Canada wouldn't work here. Most likely a government program in our country would be more like a mixture of what's found in France and Germany.
But here's the reality... we're not going to have national health care here.
I'm not convinced that it's through the roof because nobody's looking at the cost. Over a third of what we pay for is redundant administrative processes. We can cut a significant amount of cost with a national health care database. Another major source of cost... law suits. If we could cap lawsuits and do something like we see in France were doctor's aren't taken to court, they're reviewed by regional boards of medical professionals, we can reduce cost a little more. We also need to get Americans going to the doctor regularly. We often don't know how sick we are until we can't ignore symptoms... by that time we are facing major problems. These health problems prove to be VERY expensive to treat. It's far less expensive to opt for salad instead of a Big go for a quarterly physical and catch that rising blood pressure before it causes head aches and other symptoms that can damage vascular tissue or cause stroke. It's far less expensive to buy a membership to a heath club than to eat high on the hog every night.
And preachers.... need to lead the way when it comes to health. I'm sick of sing FAT bellied preachers, y'all need to be examples. lol