Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Yes, Justin I will. A little over 40 years ago I came as a young single girl to Brazil...Today thousands and thousands of souls have came to the Lord under my ministry. Of course it is not Janice Alvear but the obedience to the call of the Lord. My husband is the overseer and director however when I came I was only a female voice...
I personally believe in male leadership being Godīs plan when at all possible so when I married at my wish I turned all leadeship over to my husband....and the workers...today there are maybe 500 or more preachers but it had itīs beginning in a little girl that God called.
We do have a few lady ministers and lady pastorīs ...not the norm but there are a few. Five of our adopted children their mother a preacher and national missionary was martyered many years ago...So among our people there is a great respect for ladies that toil in the fields...
Awesome testimony, thanks for sharing.