Re: How Much Do You Spend on Groceries?
I just checked my figures in Quicken.
For the first 3 months this year we spent $2483.11 total for groceries.
This averages out to $797 per month and is 14.09 percent of our expenditures.
In 2008 we spent $9,742.02 which averages out to $811.83 per month for groceries.
So, for the last 15 months we average spending about $800 per month for groceries for two people plus whatever guests may eat with us from time to time.
Included in groceries are cleaning supplies and anything else we purchase in our trips to a store to buy groceries. Also included in the groceries category is coffee purchased at Starbucks for brewing at home. Any brewed coffee and snacks purchased at Starbucks would be in the category of "dining" like anything we would eat at a restaurant.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship