UPDATE: from ©Kneemail
Sandra Freeman called ©Kneemail Saturday night and Sister Freeman has been able to be up lots more but tonight she fell! IN JESUS name we do not accept this against her! She was feeling well enough to set up, move around and was changing her own clothes and took a tumble. There aren't any bones broken nor visible bruises so far but we pray in JESUS name she is not sore!
-She can still walk under own power with the aid of a walker and now resting comfortable but we just want to send out a request asking her supporters to pray.
-We will give an update Monday so please be in intercessor prayer for her.
-She is not usually selling many books if she does not have bookings so her income has taken a tumble also. Sister Freeman vows to resume her schedule and in JESUS name she will! If you feel to send an offering of any amount it will be put to use like phone, utilities, etc. Her address:
PO BOX 161696
-Lets all hold Sandra up in prayer as never before. She has served as primary care giver to Sister Freeman for years now. She is so dedicated in her walk for the Lord and is truly one of the finest people in God you will ever meet. In JESUS name pray God will give her added strength continually.