We did an object lesson with our SS kids on the crucifixion and ressurrection.
Gold plastic eggs
Palm leaf
Small piece of bread and red glitter for the wine
red heart
small rock
White Balloon
Each child is given an egg and explained that it represents what some think Easter is about - candy, the Easter Bunny, etc., but what we are going to put in the egg today represents what Easter is really all about.
Read the story and the children took turns reading scriptures.
Palm leaf - strewn in the streets when he road in on the colt of a donkey.
Bread and red glitter - Last supper - bread and wine.
Quarter - representing the thirty pieces of silver Judas betrayed him for.
Thorn - Cut one off of a branch and each child was asked to place that against their forehead and imagine what it would be like to have a braided crown of thorns shoved into their head.
Cross - the heavy burden to carry after the beating, which we elaborated on in great detail. Buffeted is a very interesting definition.
Red Heart - The thief that asked to be in His Kingdom and how Jesus said, "Today you will be with me in paradise."
Small rock - The seal at the tomb - details that involved it being moved and why.
White Balloon - He is risen! They blew them up and let them go.