How long would AFF survive if like JP...
everyone would post under their given name? It is easy for many of us to post things we woudn't have the audacity to post if people truly knew who we were.
I think it ironic that one of the rules for joining JP is that you post under your true given name but those same people post here under psuedo names to cause trouble, illicit offense, and to call out those who disagree with them.
I am not asking for a change of policy because there are some very good reasons for some to not disclose their identity...especially those who post against the staus quo of the organization they are associated with. But I ask that everyone who post to keep in mind, that while people don't know who you are...God does.
Think about:
* What is your purpose for remaining anonymous?
* Would you post what you are going to post if everyone knew who you were? If not maybe you shouldn't post it.
* What angers you the most about certain posters,i.e., their personality? Because they challenge your belief system? Because you have the same questions but were taught not to question?
* Can you love those who disagree with you?
Just something to think about...again.
Blessings, Rhonda R. Cyprus [Rhoni]