Originally Posted by Newman
Sheltiedad- I don't believe that we will ever know and understand this side of life how and what work God wrought through the sacrafice of your parents. But I have no doubt, that heaven takes notice.
We measure others prematurely when we only look to their lives to date; and not the eternal things they have set in motion.
God told Abraham he would give him the land he walked upon and so Abraham began to walk. His destination turned out to be a place of famine and he had to go to Egypt for awhile fully in the will of God.
FAMINE????? How could it be that a man in the will of God could end up here?
But it gets even better. Abraham managed to walk all over land that didn't have oil reserves! Explain that to me!
Obviously, God's wealth is not as man would calculate it; either in dollars or what we think we contribute to the Kingdom of God in this life.
There is no safer more productive place to be than in the will of God; even when we can't understand it. We can count the seeds in an apple but we can't count the apples in a seed.
Wow! Well written and great thoughts.