Originally Posted by 2020Vision
The New Testament church had to make many decisions about things as they continued. Acts 15 was just one of those. Paul, in his epistles addressing many issues. I understand what convictions are. There are some things the faith community makes decisions regarding. We agree, most of us, that wearing a bikini to church isn't appropriate for worship. Well, some leadership just draws the line at different places. The best thing to do, if it frustrates a man/woman, is to leave that church. But drawing up lines and standards, by itself, is far from legalism. I admit I've seen the legalist-type churches too. The other extreme are the "Jesus only sees the heart" crowd that throws half the NT out the window.
My Pastor preaches against TV. We don't believe the box is evil, as a box. We, as a community, have just made our judgement on that one particular issue. We remain UPC, we love our Pastor and we have revival. Our homes are sanctuaries and we respect the wisdom of our Pastor leading the best he can.
This is a wise sounding post. I don't think for a minute that because you and your friends don't have tv that you are holier, nor do I think that I am holier than you all. I agree there is a line that must be drawn on what to do and what not to do, but the lines are drawn Biblically not corporately from over a pulpit, IMO.