Originally Posted by Carpenter
I agree, but this scenario while rampant in the Apostolic church is rather extreme when considering the universe of pastors.
MF, what do you think is the MOST COMMON or global characteristic(s) of pastors throughout the more prominant of the Apostolic organizations in the spirit of this thread?
We can talk about 1sies and 2sies pastors all day...
I am not sure what you are asking, but let me start by saying the common, SENSIBLE boundaries of most pastors, I think, is not going beyond simply sharing truth and allowing people to choose to obey it or not, without forcing them to do so in a militant manner. We can share what we believe the bible teaches about any given issue, but we must stop when it comes to making a person do anything. We cannot make a person do something, but suggest what we fell would be God's will.
Is that the sort of thing you are looking for? Please clarify.