2 Major requests
I have 2 prayer requests I want to come to my AFF family with
First of all my aunt (actually my husbands) just finished her chemo and radiation therapies for cancer about 4 months ago. Well she went to the dr about 2 weeks ago because there were some odd symptoms showing up. They did some tests and so on. Came back to her with 2 possible options. 1 it is either MRSA which can be very bad in her situation or 2 it could be a relapse of the breast cancer. But if it is its the most progressive and lethal there is and it only gives you a couple of months to live. The dr then said he wanted her to see her surgeon and radiation dr this past monday. The only thing either one of them came up with was oh lets wait another 2 weeks and see if we see any changes!!!! Well I guess you now see our concern?! If it is the cancer. Well her time will be very limited in 2 more weeks and something we just arent ready to deal with. she is 44 yrs old and a wonderful woman who has done so much for her family. Now her family comes and reaches out to others and asks that yall please pray for her..
Prayer request 2
We have an Ankle monster here in Dallas and its getting old! Seriously... My husband got called in to work a few hours early on Tues because one of his drillers had fell at work and crushed his ankle. So that was not good and he may be on permenant disability because of this. So that was on Tues. Well the night before my kids were in the backyard helping my oldest daughter practice for her first volleyball game and first my son fell against the fence and got a splinter which was about 2 inches long and very thick in his hand and it cut his hand from top to bottom as he slid down against the fence.
Then my oldest daughter fell and landed on her knee oddly and it sounded as if she had broke her knee however that did heal up quickly and she was ok by morning. Still not sure what she did. So now I have son and daughter in the house both whining that they are hurt and as we all sit we hear a blood curdling scream from outside. My youngest was still playing volleyball and fell and we thought sprained her ankle. Brought her in and layed her down. It eased up a little over night. We wrapped it and she went on to school. Came home crying that it was swelling up and hurting. Unwrapped it and it swelled up to the size of a mini cantalope. So we took her to the dr and it had a severe sprain and hairline fracture. So she has been in an boot to immobilize it all week. Well this morning she was asleep on her airbed and her sister went in her room to wake her for church and didnt see her foot hanging off the bed. Tripped and twisted her ankle and so we just got back from the ER.. it is fractured in 4 places now!!!!! Not to mention my best girl friend from church fell last week and broke her ankle and her sister also fell and broke hers the same day and then fell on this past friday night and broke her other ankle!!!! Someone please pray away the ankle monster! This is indeed getting old!