Originally Posted by Kutless
Actually what he is doing it would seem is playing both sides for a vote.
Not true across the board. What is happening is that we have a large group of people who are what they are by choice, by association, by abuse, to name a few.
We cannot, as a nation, stand on our First Amendment rights for only those we agree with. As the First Amendment has been abused in so many ways for so many divergent views, choices and lifestyles we turn to God, take care of our own hearts and keep walking.
As much as we cannot "clean up" a sinner that walks through our doors, the Government cannot and should not be allowed to form everyone into their view and box.
The church is becoming a greater force in this world than what we are giving it credit for, remembering,
II Timothy 1:12 "For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."