Update on Son
My son went back to the spine doctor on Wednesday August 6. They did a ct and told him he would be in the brace for another 6 weeks. The doctor didn't say anything about my son having to have surgery so we are hopeful that this won't be necessary.
We did see the pictures of the fracture from the ct and it was really an eye opener. He broke the top bone of the spinal. The one that connects to the skull. The bone is not completely lined up but the doctor seemed hopeful that this wouldn't cause any problem. There is still a gap between the two sides of the bone. The doctor said that a calcium growth would connect the two sides together in time. He also fractured the next bone down. When we saw how close the break was to the spinal cord shivers went down our backs.
I want to thank all of you that have been praying for us. And to also ask you to continue to pray for us.