The Following was taken from another thread, and I feel it could use its own thread. So what are your comments? Do you accept that someone could live their whole "christian" life, and the holy Ghost never once lead them to see water baptism in Jesus name? Understand that the bible places water baptism as a principle doctrine for NEW CONVERTS, thus Gods intent is that a new convert would be baptized, and not wait for a better day.
Originally Posted by stmatthew
The problem I have with this is that it handicaps the Holy Ghos t as not having the power to "lead" someone into all truth. This is problematic to me when I look at men such as David Wilkerson, who by all intense purposes is probably a good man, with a good heart, doing a lot of good for drug attics and others. But yet after all these years, the Holy Ghost has yet to be able to lead him into an understanding of principle doctrines of baptism in Jesus Name. Not dogging DW. Just using him for an example.
What I find funny is that some of you that continue to believe that water baptism is not salvational, but still correct in scripture, never address the issue of the fact that some people either stop being lead by the holy ghost (LOST), or reject the correct mode of water baptism (LOST). So you are left with either a Holy Ghost that didn't do its job, or you are accepting someone as saved that has rejected the truth of the Word.