Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post
I am probably one of those who comes to people's minds when you mention people "with an agenda."
It's no secret that I am a one-stepper, that I do not believe paying tithes or sabbath keeping are requirements of the New Testament, that I believe how a person dresses is completely between that person and his or her Lord, and that I am a member of a "trinity" church.
I also admit that at times my comments have been sarcastic, caustic, and have not been spoken with love. In my posts I some times use qualifiers like "in my opinion" or "the way I understand that" but some times I do not.
I hope that I and my posts have not been the cause of people leaving this forum. In my opinion, the body of Christ is large enough to include ultraconservatives, conservatives, moderates, liberals and ultraliberals because the condition of the heart (relationship with Jesus) is far more important than the condition of the head (theology).
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship