Originally Posted by timlan2057
Hmmm ... nice safe answer.
Bernard is a master politician. He's from Louisiana originally and with his missionary background, he no doubt has spent a bit of time at the feet of T. F. Tenney
I'm reading Lyndon Johnson's biography: "Master of the Senate", covering the years when LBJ was Senate Majority Leader.
LBJ's allies wondered why he wouldn't take on Joe McCarthy even when he had the votes in his corner for censure.
McCarthy and McCarthyism raged on for two more years, destroying many innocent people and ruining many careers before LBJ finally used his influence to ram through censureship on the Wisconsin demagogue.
LBJ knew his chief financiers, reactionary Texas oil men like Clint Murchinson and H. L. Hunt, backed McCarthy to the hilt and politics ALWAYS takes precedence over principle for ambitious men.
Bernard knows he'll never be General Superintendent by taking on Stoneking directly. There's still a bunch of Stoneking fanatics with rose-colored glasses who can't or won't accept the fact he's promoting heresy.
If Bernard and others are really Watchmen on the Wall, there comes a time when you have to use your influence and aura to take on what you consider to be "false doctrine" and the propagators of such.
Lyndon Johnson's beloved hill country and Johnson City are in the Austin area.
Kinda ironic.
You may be right about someone in UPCI needing to sound the alarm and step up to the plate on this issue...but isn't that what Daniel Alicea is trying to do and why we are here on AFF discussing it?
AFF is highly read and people who never post are on here lurking. The alarm is being sounded and by many of us.
Blessings, Rhoni