Re: Ever Prayed Anyone Out of Your Church?
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Ro. 16:17
I have been in pentecostal churches all my life, now 43 years. Someone is always being "prayed" out and others "prayed in." I think it is up to the pastor to determine if there is a threat to the body or just someone with a bad personality.
But there are real instances where someone needs to be marked, and "shown the door." I know of instances where people were operating in a religious witchcraft spirit, where it would appear that they have the HG but in reality have a evil spirit that mimics the real moving of the HG. Many are deceived by them because they appear to be "spiritual." I have a personal term that I have used for these type of people, "Holy Ghost witch." Again, this is just my term. One young girl I saw recently was mumbling something like "tongues" but it was not the HG, there was not a clear language and she did a fake cry. She was going around trying to lay hands on people. I was visting this church, so I could not stop her, If it were my church I would have sat her down. All I could do was protect my family from her. Of course, my wonderful wife had already discerned the woman's spirit and had our children under tow.
Fortunaly, the times where a person should be dis-fellowshiped are rare.