***Shocking Personal News***
I found out some shocking news today.
It appears that, when I was firstborn, my parents made a horrible mistake. Their mistake has followed me all of my forty years upon this earth. Their mistake has left a permanent mark upon me.
I found out about their mistake just this evening when I was perusing the world wide web. I happened to land on a site that was dedicated to the topic of eye color.
You see, all of my life I have been told that my eyes are green. This information is listed on my birth record, my driver's license and many other personal documents. I have always been proud of my beautiful green eyes. They are my personal "beauty mark." Unfortunately, I had unwittingly continued believing a lie!
For, just this evening, I discovered my eyes are actually Hazel!
I am in complete shock!
Who am I?
Will this change everything?
My world is rocked!
I always thought Hazel was a grayish-brown mix but, NO, Hazel is actually greenand gold mixed!
Who knew?
What a moron I am!