I thought OldPath's second to last post was really good. JT may disagree, but I thought it had some substance to it.
In all the Scripture I see quoted here, I've still yet to see
Mark 16:16- my favorite (and my church of Christ friend's favorite) baptism verse. Actually, when it comes to hearing about the need for baptism I enjoy listening to coCers explain it, they're all organized, rational and systematic, there's going to be a lesson titled, "What's the big deal about baptism?" at the coC Gospel Meeting next week- I might go. Anyways, we're not the only ones that understand baptism as necessary for salvation, and even without
John 3:5 I can't understand how anyone can call themselves a Christian without being baptized, and as for my experience in churches that didn't teach baptism for salvation (AOG), the biggest thing that bothered me was how baptisms were all done in the summer or something like that, it really bugged me. I know a Midwest Pilgrim Holiness pastor who has pastored for 10 years and has STILL not been baptized... HE'S AFRAID OF WATER! Pul---eezee! And then when you see JESUS' name baptism in Scripture, you've got that clearly as the command, that you baptize in JESUS' name, all the other arguments are futile.
As for "leaving standards" and the relationship to WS salvation. I am fully persuaded of WS but not of all the standards (or way they're presented), and myself and my assembly have a different view of
1 Cor. 11 than most OP assemblies, but we're still very much WS. I can think of two preachers in Maine alone who are WS preachers but don't teach all the standards. So, does getting rid of WS also cause one to lose standards? Or does further Scriptural study cause one to keep WS and lose some standards? Perhaps to the first question, a resounding YES to the latter.
Bro. Alex