Originally Posted by Blaylock
The Kings are one for example from Virginia.
ON the baptism...From what I have been told by former Amish is that their method of baptism is more for a confirmation into the church than a salvational issue.
History of the Anabaptist tell us that the sprinkling and infant baptism started as a way for the RCC to get more taxpayers paying taxes. What better way to get more taxes than to have them start at birth.
This is a tradition that they keep from their roots.
We also have a former Amish/Mennonite couple in our assembly. They are our Sunday School administrators.
Yes. I have met the King family and am thrilled what God is doing in their life.
Agreed - it is a tradition on the pouring/sprinkling question. And true, the baptism is seen as an initiation into church membership rather than salvation.