Just blame Janice
Sis. A
I blame you for being instrumental in brining to surface a few things that, over the years, I have tried to deny and suppress.
It has taken me many years to understand that we are ALL called to be discples of Christ Jesus. Understanding that hepled me settle an age old question of who is called and who is choosen.
I have lived many years telling myself that it was a good thing I never felt a desire to follow after many relatives footsteps. I had nothing to prove. I am not my father nor my brother, nor my cousins. I do not have to do it to prove that I can. I have a general distrust of people in general, no matter how I feel about us forgiving and forgetting. I have a general dislike of human nature. Blame it on my life experiences if you want.
You, my dear friend, have opened up old thoughts and ideas that I have felt were long buried.
I can not read anything you write without tears. I can not get off the computer without many long hours of self evaluation.
Do I dislike you for this? No, sweet lady, no. However, if I am to continue with any amount of sanity in my life I am going to have to find a way to NOT be addicted to reading your threads, or any other, about missions and how God is working around the world.
From the bottom of my heart to you and yours,
I love you all and God bless you richly
Life is .............
I'll get back to you when I figure it out.