Words are the manner in which we communicate how we feel, what we desire, need, and want. Words are the true expression of our humanity.
The spoken word has more power than we may realize, for with a word we have the ability to help or hurt (
Proverbs 18:21). Depending on the words we choose to speak, we are either blessed and a blessing, or we are cursed and curse others. (
James 3:10).
While some people feel that it doesn’t matter what we say or how we say it, the truth is that words speak volumes about who we are, where we come from, what we believe, and where we are going.
Linguists (experts in languages) can accurately identify a person’s origin, sometimes within miles, simply by words and the manner in which they are spoken.
The syllables that are formed into sentences do not leave the atmosphere once they leave our lips, and often having far-reaching effects. The children’s rhyme is often repeated, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That is not true...words DO hurt.
People will grieve forever because of an off-the-wall remark made thirty years ago by some little freckle-faced kid when they were in the third grade. What we say, and what we fail to say conveys the very intent of our spirit.
While we may be appearing to mean one particular thing, our words reveal the truth.
It is no less so than when we are speaking about our own lives.
Are we speaking defeat?!
"I can't...I am no good...I can't be healed...I am afraid..."
Or are we speaking faith?!
"I can do all things through Christ...I am victorious...I am healed...God has not given me the spirit of fear!!"
What is revealed of our heart by what we say?!