[QUOTE=MissBrattified;367704]Actually, I was trying to post a photo from Oct. 2007. That isn't the right one, but I can't link to the other photo. If you look through her photo albums, you'll see an awards show from March 2007 in which she wore a more revealing dress, and then Oct. 2007, she was dressed more modestly.
I'd hate for every picture I've ever taken to be analyzed for modesty. LOL!!!!! When I was a kid on my Grandparents' farm, I spent entire summers in sleeveless sundresses and bare feet! And they were conservative Apostolics! OLD School.[/QUOTE ]
Thank you for posting this. I am so sick of people who call themselves CHRISTIANS being so very UNCHRISTLIKE and judging every single thing fellow believers do/wear/say. Come on! What kind of doctrine are you following lady??? Examine the word of God! Judge NOT. That is what it says. This kind of judgemental self-righteous spirit needs to be culled out from His church. If that is what is happening now with those who have left then SO BE IT! Many of these UC ministers/people have such a terrible self-righteous attitude and it is so far from what Jesus Christ was/is! Have you gotten SO CAUGHT UP IN THIS HOLINESS DOCTRINE THAT YOU HAVE MISSED THE WHOLE POINT?? THAT YOU HAVE MISSED THE CHRIST IN IM A CHRISTIAN? What does that mean to you? To be Christlike? Shouldn't it mean to love people, to have compassion, to be merciful, kind, to accept anyone and everyone including the worst of sinners??? Ms Melody, I do not mean to attack you personally, but it tears me up inside to see how far off the path some of us have veered. This whole Tulsa thing can all be summed up in "looking to the right and the left". They've lost sight of Him. And you my dear, to post the pictures of this girl, i ask you to examine yourself. I think you need to concentrate on teaching your daughter to love people, to actually strive to be Christlike, to be kind, merciful forgiving. If you teach her these things she will be like HIm and whats more, she may even win someone to Him. With your current attitude I wonder if she ever will.