Originally Posted by SecretWarrior
**It appears that the plot beginning to thicken!**
In the last few days,several members have shared important insight about the new fellowship allegedly charging that it is being built on lies,bribs and coverups.
Is their plan starting to backfire and unravel?Are these charges beginning to emerge to the point that many potential attendees are backing out?
A reliable source also revealed to me that one prominant pastor out west who was planning on attending the meeting was very upset after discovering his name was on the general council.This pastor never agreed nor committed to being on this council.He called one of the leaders and let it be known that he was backing out altogether.
There are a number of reports of preachers who are starting to backout of this gathering and are upset that their names were put on committees and even positions without their consent.
Here is a post by Pastor G that caught my attention:
Originally Posted by Pastor G
As I said before, which you seem to have ignored, i suppose because it didn't stir things up enough for you... Wayne McClain told me to my face last week that he was only going to Tulsa, "cause it doesn't hurt to hear what they say." When LB called him, he told him he wasn't interested.. As I said before, I don't see eye with Bro. McClain on to many issues, however he is an extreme gentleman and most certainly a man of his word..
I also know that HQ has been in contact with some of these men on the list and they have mentioned that they have been courted, but weren't going anywhere... Some on there aren't even going to Tulsa... Those told some at HQ that this was a list of hopefuls at best...
They are throwing that out there so that all of the ones they are trying to get to come will see that they are not alone... However, I believe it will backfire... Some that were really considering getting in on the ground floor of this new thing now see that everything seems to have been already set in place... It was billed as a formation conference to a lot of folks and now to them, it appears that the formaton has already taken place and they will have no say... That has ticked several off since the list was made available...
Any thoughts?
I was very surprised to see his name and one other on the list.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.