Originally Posted by Rico
I've told you this repeatedly and you either don't get it, or are intentionally pretending to be dense. Celebrating a birthday is not something someone does unto the Lord, so it's not the same as celebrating Christmas. People who celebrate Christmas as part of their Christianity are doing it unto the Lord in their minds. The Bible clearly says not to adopt pagan methods of worship and service and offer it unto God.
All these arguments bringing up other pagan traditions are just a smokescreen so you don't have to admit you are worshipping God the way pagans worshipped their gods. If you want to celebrate Jesus' birth knock yourself out, but don't involve yourself in all the trappings of Christmas paganism and be foolish enough to think it pleases God. His Word does not change regardless of how popular Christmas may be.
Rico, does the Bible say it's ok for us to use pagan symbols and celebrations to each other? Your argument is that the Bible doesn't say it's ok for us to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but does it say that it's ok for you to celebrate your own birthday, or that of your children, and in doing so, using pagan symbols?
Or are you making excuses to do what you want to do and have a candy stick too?
And I'm sorry if you see a problem with my kneeling and praying at an altar, offering a sacrifice to my God like the pagans did with their gods, but God knows the difference, and it's only His way of seeing it that matters most to me.