Prayer for my friends! Custody Battle
I know this may be moved to the Sanctuary, but I wanted to post it here first. This is an email written to my wife and I.
These are our good frineds in TN. They have been taking care of this child and trying to adopt and now this situation as came up. Please keep them in your prayers. May God have his way.
My dear friends –
I don’t know how to begin this email. Yesterday we had a meeting with DCS’ lawyer regarding the termination hearing that is on 8/28-29. We left that meeting with no false hopes that we will get to keep Jeremiah. In the court’s eyes, his biological father has started to make improvements and therefore will more that likely be awarded custody of Jeremiah. Because they do not want to leave a child with only one parent, if they do not terminate the rights of the dad they will not terminate the rights of the mother.
The case will still go to trial, but the judge that presides over this case is usually for the biological parents no matter what. They feel that if Jeremiah is in a safe environment, then he will be better off with them. There is a lot more that I could say but my heart is not in it. We do not know how this will end, but we do know that God is in control of the situation.
God is with us and will work this out for Jeremiah’s good, but we all need your prayers. Please keep Jeremiah, his family and us in your prayers; we need all the help we can get.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.