Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I'm begging you, learning what the UPC believes about history is like trying to learn nuclear fission from the "My Little Red Story Book First Reader."
Your arsenal of knowledge is the word of God. Period.
History takes a lot of time, and much study through reading quite a bit of primary sources. Even when you are done with all of that, history is still debatable. The United Pentecostal Church has some interesting views on church history. Like the early church became apostate devolving into the Catholic church. Then the Church was reborn at Azusa Street. Not too far off from what the Adventists believed, as well as the Jay Dubs, and the Mormons .
I agree that history is debatable, but I still think it is good to know at least a basic overview of church history. I have noticed that many Protestants believe that Catholics are heretics, but at the same time don’t recognize how many things their denomination has adopted from Catholicism. Early church history also gives possible context to scripture. Overall, I have been enjoying the studying. AFF has been a good place for me in the past to get a spectrum of ideas and I like thinking outside of the box sometimes.