1000 year reign
Let me say at the beginning I am no Bible teacher or expert on last days teachings. I just know how I feel it might be but this is just me.
So I am not asking this for a debate and I do know how some feel. I just want to know if I am the only person that feels that there will be an earthly 1000 year reign with mortals and imortals on earth. I do NOT believe Jesus has two brides therefor I believe the church will go through tribulation. My only question is does anyone believe that there will be a 1000 year reign in the future?
I do not have time or experience or qualify to debate this subject so I am not asking for a debate only asking does anyone believe like I do?
I really feel that it is not a salvation issue and I really feel no one REALLY knows...we will all see how things will unfold at some point...