11-15-2020, 07:26 PM
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: WI
Posts: 5,482
Re: Sid Roth, Branham, Cain, and Reed
Out of respect for the person who sent it, I decided I would watch it. I figured, it's only twelve some minutes long, right?
So, I start up the clip and watch the beginning spiel. Okay, fine. Then the vid cuts to him speaking to a church, and okay, here we go. But then, before he gets into what he wants to say, he begins to pray, and calls on Jesus. And right there, I had to stop. I couldn't watch or listen anymore. Listening to someone talk is one thing. I don't know if it was hearing a man pray to the Lord while showing such dishonor to Christ by having long hair or what it was, but I couldn't listen.
So, if you can stomach it and care to share the cliff notes, be my guest.