Re: The Crux of the Pro-tithe Argument
Originally Posted by coksiw
The Law is specific of what to tithe. Abraham tithed of the spoil of war, and the Law requires an offering of the spoil of war which is much less than the tithe. Israel was obedient to that Law. They didn't extrapolate Abraham tithe of the spoil of war to tithe spoil of wars.
Nicodemus, I don't know why you bring the Abraham tithing, which was free-will, not an obedience/curse issue as taught by most Apostolic churches. Except for a few, most teach tithing quoting Mal, which is the law, and which is an obedience issue with curses included. They teach it with the curses of the law, as a obedience issues, which makes it a sin to not obey it. That's not Abraham tithing.
Brother, did you answer my question what Paul meant with compulsion?
Paul forced tithe?
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.