Originally Posted by n david
Mike, you should look at what Trump's policies have been, instead of overreacting to his tweet. The last thing anyone should do is freak out over one of Trump's tweets.
While you're on AFF here claiming Trump is on a "crusade" as a "warrior" "pushing" a sodomite agenda, actual homosexuals are angry over the same tweet for a very different reason. That being, Trump's tweet appears to support LGBTQSMFBSJWO+ people, but his administration's policies have not been supportive. Not at all.
Also, VP Pence is staunchly against alphabet letter people. There's not a chance he would continue as VP if Trump did anything close to your claims.
There's no pro-gay crusade by Trump.
Trump is no pro-gay warrior.
Trump isn't pushing a pro-gay agenda.
Trump isn't a pro-gay warrior.
n david, It's not the way I want it to be. It is what it is. His tweet REVEALS his heart. As to politics I would rather have Trump any day than the Dems. And yet, this ONE sin alone is just as damaging to America as ALL the other bizarre policies the Dems are pushing.
I continue to pray for him and this nation. Let us mourn and cry out in sackcloth for the President, the leaders, the Churches and people of America that there might be a lengthening of prosperity.