Re: Do we have to pay tithes?
Originally Posted by Tithesmeister
Yes, you are right about the stealing thing. David is a little different situation. I have heard people that said David was a priest because he ate the shewbread, or because he called for or even wore the linen ephod, but Jesus makes it clear that David eating the shewbread was illegal because it was only for the priests. Evidently Jesus did not consider David a priest.
David wasn't a priest. If he was, the writer of Hebrews knew nothing about it Hebrews 7:14. The judgement of the law depended on motive. Therefore Joseph is called a just man for the reason that he didn't want to make his wife out to be a public example (stoning) and wanted to give her a bill of divorcement (privately). It was judgement, and mercy contained in some verdicts of the law. Support of the ministry is declared by Moses, and Paul in the words of not muzzling the oxen to allow them to eat of the harvest. Plain and simple. If the oxen is truly a laborer then we should provide and care for him Proverbs 12:10. Everything we do is judged by intent, what are our true intentions.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence